Monday, December 7, 2009


Hello, dear readers! Well, whoever is left. Please accept my deepest of apologies for the lack of blogging (and reading). This semester was a new flavor of hell and Catch-22 was surprisingly difficult to get a hold of! I'm guessing it was required reading for high school this year or something of the sort. But have no fear! I have secured a copy of said book and even started reading it over Thanksgiving. I've only gotten about a fourth of the way through, but it has proved an enjoyable read!

My first impressions: it's actually funny! I think it's pretty hard to write a funny book. Terry Pratchett does well at it, but the classics aren't usually known for their giggle factor. I didn't know much about Catch-22 going into the book, but I was pleasantly surprised. For those who don't know, it's a satire about the fictional army of a fictional country circa WWII. The plot is scattered and convoluted, but in a good way... if that makes any sense.

I don't typically enjoy novels that are difficult to follow, but this is an exception. It's cliche, but this is a book that makes you think. Not just about grand themes and morals (maybe I'll get to that part later), but more along the lines of, "What the hell is going on?" In a good way.

If you like historical fiction, funny names, and political (well, military) satire, then I suggest this novel! Also, silly me, I didn't realize that the phrase "catch-22" came from the book, not the other way around. So far, Joseph Heller is an amusing, thought-provoking, and somewhat frustrating author. In a good way. I promise.

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